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  • Acne is not just the bane of adolescents. Adults can also have
    ongoing skin problems for which they haven't been able to find a solution. Here are some tips to help people of all ages manage pimples problems. There are some things that you can try at home, as well as using non-prescription remedies. You can bring up any ideas that you feel may be helpful to you, with your doctor.

    If you have a single large zit or blemish, try using a dab of hydrocortisone cream. Hydrocortisone cream will dry out the spot and help the zit to go away faster. However, it must be used sparingly or it can lead to rebound effects that might be worse than the original zits breakout.

    You may also be intolerant of certain foods so be aware of this; if you notice you start to break out after you eat chocolate then don't eat chocolate for a while to see if
    this reduces your amount of acne. Each person is different, and you have to find what works for
    you.Remember that you are what you eat. In addition,
    try drinking more water and eating healthier foods as all
    of this will promote a healthy body.

    Avoiding pimples can be as simple as just washing your
    pillow cases every other day. Every time you lay on your pillows, the
    case absorbs dirt and oils from your skin.
    The amount of time spent on your pillow helps reapply the dirt and oils that clog your
    pores leading to zits. Washing your pillow cases every other day, helps to keep your face clean.

    Resist the urge to pick at your pimples.
    It should probably go without saying, but don't scratch. Scratching will increase puffiness, redness, and irritation. It can even lead to scarring. Never attempt to pop a pimple. If anything, having your hands on your face will just add unnecessary oil and work to further clog your pores.

    One way to prevent the clogging of pores is to use a blackhead remover. It is a little metal stick that you can purchase at any drugstore that you slide over your skin to remove any dirt or bacteria that is lodged in your pores. It is very easy to use and better than using your fingers.

    Do not touch your face. Because you use your hands to do almost everything, your hands carry much dirt, oil, and bacteria. To keep these contaminants from clogging your pores and causing breakouts, avoid touching your face unless absolutely necessary. If you must touch your face, wash your hands before.

    If your skin is breaking out suddenly, think of what triggers you could be fighting off. Many people find that new hair products or detergents will cause breakouts as their skin becomes inflamed. If you can find the source of your pimples, you can stop them before they start.

    After you wash your face, you should use an exfoliating mask. Exfoliation will help remove the dead skin layers from your face. You should try to exfoliate your face, at least, once or twice a week. Doing this can help you clean your pores which will help you prevent or rid yourself of pimples.

    To help treat pimples, you can rub ice cubes on your face at night before bed. The cold water will help tighten up your pores and keep your skin clear. Use the ice cubes at the end of your skin care routine, so your skin is clean and free of dirt and oil.

    An important tip to consider when concerning zits is to try using Witch Hazel directly on pimples and pimples. This is a great home remedy that will avoid the use of harsh or unsafe chemicals. Be sure to only apply to the area of concern and not surrounding skin.

    Going outside and taking a walk is a great way to help out your skin and prevent acne. Sunshine helps to create vitamin D in your body, and this vitamin is a key ingredient when it comes to having healthy skin. And healthy skin is less likely prone to zits. Having a walk outside is also helpful in reducing stress, which is another factor of acne prone skin.

    Try to avoid the accumulation of sweat on your face. The buildup of chemicals in sweat can lead to break-outs, especially for committed joggers and athletes. Ensure that you have clean towels available during workouts to lightly dab your skin free of perspiration before your pores get a chance to clog.

    Carbohydrates are a necessary part of your diet. However, with fast food, junk food and sodas, we consume way too many non-essential carbohydrates per day. A high dosage of carbohydrates like this, significantly increases your chances of getting acne. It is imperative that you monitor your carbohydrate intake, at least to a degree of healthiness.

    Use green clay to help clear up acne. Green clay is also called bentonite clay. It is easily found in many health food stores. The clay is wonderful for drying up excess oil. It also dries blemishes, helping them to vanish. Mix the clay with water and apply it directly to your skin as a mask.

    If you get zits often, make sure you are getting enough sleep! Sleep is essential for decreasing stress and maintaining a healthy body. When you do not get enough sleep, your body may deal ineffectively with infections and skin impurities, which can increase your blemishes. Try to get at least 7-8 hours of sleep every night.

    As stated at the beginning of this article, you do not always wish to make your pimples issues known to even your closest friends or family. As long as you stick to the methods mentioned in this article, you will have much clearer skin simply by taking advantage of items that were already likely to be laying around the house.

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